Sunday, June 3, 2007


Mile-marker #1) I own a car! My dad and I went to Santa Fe last week to scope out some stuff. The first car we saw was at this dealership: a beautiful little Toyota Camry. It's not new by any means (not with the mileage it has on it), but it runs smoothly, and I have heard it will last for maybe twice as far as it has already gone. It's somewhere between sage and emerald green. Mom says it changes colors with the light.

Now don't worry, we didn't just buy the first car we saw. We spent the next few days searching online, scouring other dealerships, and even looking for some less typical sources of used cars (ever thought about old rentals?). We came back eventually to the first and what we believe is the most reliable car for the best deal. Can you tell I'm a little excited?

Mile-marker #2) Too many friends recently have gotten engaged or married. Not to say that I think this is either unwise or evil or even tedious. In fact, I am truly happy for them and I pray God will bless them richly for decades to come. I admit, though, it's been a bit overwhelming.
I love any excuse for a party, especially when it involves dancing. I only hope that much consideration has been put into these relationships.

I don't know what it is, but Spring so often seems to get to people. They start doing crazy things. I do hope this is not what overtook some of my friends. May God bless them in their decision-making and in their futures.

Mile-marker #3) Maybe the biggest marker is this: I leave for training on the day after tomorrow. Actually, I have interviews in New Orleans first. I may or may not get the classroom of my choosing in the district I would prefer, but I'll leave that to their discretion. Then I go to Houston for more than a month to learning how to manage a classroom and deliver self-planned lessons. Then I'm back to my school, so I will be in place for the next milestones.

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